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External Customer KB > General > App Policies
App Policies
Article: KB0010463 Published: 07/17/2023 Last modified: 07/17/2023

The applications you use with OneLogin all have unique purposes, features, and users, which means they all have unique security requirements to make sure your organization has the best balance of protection and user-friendliness to meet your needs. Using app policies, you can tailor your users' authentication and access settings on an app-by-app basis with multi-factor authentication, whitelisted IP addresses, and more.



App Policy Management

Creating an App Policy

  1. In your OneLogin admin portal, go to Security > Policies and click New App Policy.

    Security - Policies

  2. Give the policy a descriptive name and click Save.

    New App Policy

Assigning an App Policy

From your app management, select an application and go to Access. Under Policy, select the policy you want to assign to this app. The policy will be applied to all users of the application.

Applications - Access

Role-Based Policies

Role-based policies allow you to provide different security requirements for only some users of an application. For example, you might want to implement tighter security requirements for users who have more powerful access within that app, or create exceptions for new employees who haven't yet obtained some of their security credentials.

  1. Ensure the appropriate role has been enabled under Roles and click Add role-specific policy.

    Add role-specific policy

  2. Select the appropriate role and policy. The role you select will now have the access requirements specified by that policy, while all other users will continue to use the requirements of the policy assigned under Policy.

    [Role] will use [Policy]

Deleting an App Policy

To remove an existing app policy, open the policy and click Delete.

Delete App Policy



App Policy Settings

IP Address Allow List

Allowed IP addresses

Enter a list of IP addresses that are allowed to access apps using this policy, or leave blank to allow access from any IP address.

Ignore X-Forwarded-For header IP addresses

Enable this setting to prevent OneLogin from evaluating IP addresses from the X-Forwarded-For header.



Settings - IP Address Allow List

Smart Access

This feature requires a OneLogin subscription that includes SmartFactor Authentication. Speak with your account representative for more information.

Deny access if user meets or exceeds the selected risk level

Enable this setting to allow Smart Access to reject users' login attempts based on the risk level you select.

Risk level

Select the risk level that the login attempt must be evaluated below in order to pass Smart Access, with Low providing the strictest security and High providing the most relaxed user experience.

Settings - Smart Access

Important: All new users are typically considered High risk before the Vigilance AI risk engine has enough data to analyze the user's normal login behaviors. Because of this, it's necessary that app policies with Smart Access enabled are never applied to new users. You can use Role-Based Policies to provide exceptions for new users to access apps that typically require Smart Access.

If Smart Access is applied to a new user, their account may become locked out, permanently blocked, or disabled, requiring an admin escalation.

Forced Authentication

Enable Forced Authentication to prompt users to re-enter their authentication credentials when they try to access apps with this policy, even when they're already signed in to OneLogin. You can also provide users with a grace period that overrides forced authentication if they already authenticated their accounts within that time period. For example, if you select 60 seconds, users who signed in less a than a minute ago won't be required to reauthenticate. The minimum grace period is 3 seconds, to prevent authentication loops.

Settings - Forced Authentication


Enable this setting to require users to authenticate with multi-factor authentication (MFA) when accessing apps with this policy. You can select Require MFA to allow any MFA factors to be used for authentication, or Require Specific MFA to allow only the factors that you specify. If the user already authenticated with one of these factors when signing into OneLogin, they will not be prompted for it again unless forced authentication has also been enabled. If they did not use MFA, or used a factor not specified by this policy, they'll be prompted to authenticate when accessing the app.

Settings - Multi-Factor

MFA Bypass

Bypass MFA for the following addresses

Enter a list of IP addresses that can bypass MFA requirements to access the apps associated with the policy.

Ignore X-Forwarded-For header IP addresses

This setting is enabled by default. Disable it to require OneLogin to evaluate IP addresses from the X-Forwarded-For header in addition to the gateway IP address.

Skip if OTP received within last 00 minutes

Enable this heading to allow users to bypass MFA if they've used a one-time password (OTP) to access OneLogin within the amount of time you specify.

Settings - MFA Bypass

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