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External Customer KB > General > Configuring SSO for Form-Based Applications
Configuring SSO for Form-Based Applications
Article: KB0010357 Published: 07/09/2023 Last modified: 07/09/2023

In form-based authentication, a user is presented with an editable form to fill in and submit in order to log into an app. OneLogin handles apps that require form-based authentication by taking a stored, encrypted login and password and automatically injecting them into an application's login page, filling out the form and logging that user in without requiring the user to enter their credentials manually. This enables OneLogin to provide single sign-on (SSO) access to applications that have not adopted SAML or do not have an API interface.

This article describes the Configuration and Parameters settings available when configuring a form-based app.


Form-based authentication requires users to have the OneLogin browser extension installed in order to inject their credentials into the app's login fields.

Table of Contents



Before you begin, you should add your application, configure your desired setup details, and Save it in order to enable the options below. If the Connecter Version option appears during initial configuration, select Form-based auth.

Connecter Version




Most apps that use form-based authentication do not display the Configuration page. If yours does, the app connector may require the domain name that your company uses with the app, or its API login credentials (which are usually the username and password of an administrator for the app). For example, G Suite uses an API connection to enable password provisioning, even when using form-based authentication.





Typically, the best credential configuration for form-based apps is Configured by end-users; this is what allows the user to enter their own login information the first time they sign into the app.

You may also wish to use Configured by admin and establish some parameters to control part of their login information. Any attribute left on - No default - allows users to supply their own value for that field. For example, you might have all usernames automatically mapped to the users' email addresses, but allow them to establish their own passwords individually.


Bulk Login Update

Did you know that you can also update your users' login information in bulk with CSV files?

Select Batch Update App Logins from the More Actions menu of the app you want to update, and upload a CSV file with the three columns Emails, Usernames, and Passwords with the users' email address exactly as it appears in OneLogin under the first column and their authentication information for the app in the second two columns.

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